Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from DaVisioness Designs!

It's Christmas Eve!!  Time to find those last minute gifts to your friends! And what is a better gift than hitting them with a boot? I them a boot?  Giving them boots...from Davisioness!!

As you know from our previous post, we have the limited edition LONG Christmas Boots. Well hold on to your heels...because DaVisioness has released the Christmas Ankle Boot!! That's right!! Same options as our long boot...but for those who don't want their boots to go ... alllll the way up!  And the bonus is it's affordable!!  L$300 for the short boot!  *passes out and twitches*

Now...if you're like me who has an unnatural love for boots and shoes, you might want both!!'re in luck!!  Both the full-length and ankle boot are available together as a fat pack for L$500!!  But (yes...there is always a but...)  these boots are only available until 11:59PM SLT Christmas Day (12/25/2009).

So...definitely swing by today and pick your loved ones up a pair (or two) of these faaaaaaaaaabulous boots!! Santa and your giftees will thank you for keeping their tootsies looking FRESH in DaVisioness.

Merry Christmas all!!

<3 Davisioness Designs

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